Carnation is a little fairy bear who is looking for a friend to call his own! Okay, so maybe he isn’t *really* a fairy, but he does have a tattoo of fairy wings and a purple heart! Though he will tell you he earned the purple heart in The Great Fairy Wars™. Do not listen to him, he’s a bit of a liar. Don’t be too harsh on him though, he’s just a little guy! He doesn’t even know what valor means, much less why people keep accusing him of having “stolen” it.
Anyway, Carnation is very excited to have many fairy themed adventures with you! He even has a magnet in his bum that allows him to connect (to a magnet pouch he comes with) and sit on your shoulder. Will you enlist this lil guy for your growing plushie army?
Carnation is a little fairy bear who is looking for a friend to call his own! Okay, so maybe he isn’t *really* a fairy, but he does have a tattoo of fairy wings and a purple heart! Though he will tell you he earned the purple heart in The Great Fairy Wars™. Do not listen to him, he’s a bit of a liar. Don’t be too harsh on him though, he’s just a little guy! He doesn’t even know what valor means, much less why people keep accusing him of having “stolen” it.
Anyway, Carnation is very excited to have many fairy themed adventures with you! He even has a magnet in his bum that allows him to connect (to a magnet pouch he comes with) and sit on your shoulder. Will you enlist this lil guy for your growing plushie army?
Carnation is a little fairy bear who is looking for a friend to call his own! Okay, so maybe he isn’t *really* a fairy, but he does have a tattoo of fairy wings and a purple heart! Though he will tell you he earned the purple heart in The Great Fairy Wars™. Do not listen to him, he’s a bit of a liar. Don’t be too harsh on him though, he’s just a little guy! He doesn’t even know what valor means, much less why people keep accusing him of having “stolen” it.
Anyway, Carnation is very excited to have many fairy themed adventures with you! He even has a magnet in his bum that allows him to connect (to a magnet pouch he comes with) and sit on your shoulder. Will you enlist this lil guy for your growing plushie army?
Carnation was originally a Ty brand plushie named “Smitten”. He was thrifted, refurbished, and modified to have a magnet added! This allows him to ride on your shoulder for all your Fairy themed adventures! He is filled with a combo of poly-fil pellets (beans), and poly-fil stuffing (his guts). Of course he also has the magnet and comes with a small pouch with another magnet that goes under your shirt on your shoulder, allowing him to stay on! DO NOT EAT ANY OF THE MAGNETS HE COMES WITH. IT WILL KILL YOU. LIKE, FORREALSIES, YOU WILL DIE DIE. If you die die, you will NOT get a purple heart! That’s reserved only for those who fought and were seriously injured in The Great Fairy War™. Eating magnets does not enlist you in The Great Fairy War™.
DISCLAIMERS: All stuffed animals are thoroughly cleaned by being de-stuffed, washed multiple times with dawn and then once with a fabric softener, and temporarily left in the sun to dry before they finish the process indoors. He was refurbished in a smoke-free home with pets. If you have any questions about Carnation or any other available plushie, you can reach out to me at!